Now I can almost braze properly…

So after about a year in production brazing at the Brompton factory I’d say may brazing quality was starting to ramp up considerably.  I’m still nowhere near the quality of the top dogs in the factory but I’m confident that I’ll be doing clearcoat quality fairly consistently before too long.

I did some practice brazes the other week in the workshop with flux paste.  As I’ve previously built my own frames with lugged BB shells, this is my first ever fillet brazed bottom bracket shell:


Didn’t go too badly, but I’ll be doing more practice.

The brazing that I do in my day job at Brompton has been really useful.

Last month a bunch of us from the factory took part in the British Heart Foundation London to Brighton ride with 29,000 other cyclists.  And yes, I did get over Ditchling Beacon on my 2-speed Brompton without stopping.  Just.


Also, my friend John, a lifetime engineer and machinist has offered to work with me as I start up as a frame builder, giving me use of the facilities at his factory to make jigs, etc.  What a guy.  Watch this space..